
Solid beech plywood
Bed Slats
38x8 mm 25x8 mm
Stability adjustment Nylon-fiberglass corner plate
Slats 25x8 mm in the shoulder area for a more flexible support. Firmness adjustment: In the lumbar region the bed frame is made with a special system of double slats and slider that work to regulate the hardness.
Angular plate in nylon-fiber glass: the feet are fixed to the bed frame using a special angular plate in nylon fiber glass that works also as stabilizer support.
All Dreamly products can be entirely customized by the customer: measurements, features, materials and finishes.
Dreamly: a brand by Elettroidea & MEF
Via dell’Industria, 33
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650
E-mail: info@dreamlydesign.com
Elettroidea s.r.l.
Via dell’industria, 33
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650
E-Mail: info@elettroideasrl.com
MEF s.r.l.
Via dell’industria, 35
37060 Sona, Verona - Italy
Phone: +39 045 6082365
Fax: +39 045 6088650
E-Mail: info@elettroideasrl.com